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..:: Home :: Photos ::..
..:: About Us ::..
This is us. BiteMark the band. Formed February 2005. Are you bitten yet?

..:: Blur ::..
Bassist. More stuff.

..:: Faizal ::..
Guitarist. More stuff.

..:: Michelle ::..
Lead Guitarist. More stuff.

..:: Syazsy ::..
Drums. More stuff.

..:: Triona ::..
Lead Vocals. More stuff.

blur faizal michelle syazsy triona

Monday, September 12, 2005
..:: were still alive ::..
sorry everyone about the lack of posting and the lack of jamming as well. we have all been really busy. michelle and i have been stuck in kdu. faizal and shazz are in coll as well. and blur, well his blur. well perhaps we might be free to try and jamm. cheers people!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005
..:: kittie....drool ::..
hey lets do 'what i always wanted' by kittie. we never actually finished that one. time to take it on again?

Monday, April 18, 2005
..:: dont we all need crack? ::..
yeah i loved last jamming session! man it was good! i hope we keep it up. im suddenly psyched up to do more kittie songs! damn you blur.

btw: eh its schools sports day this saturday. it clashes with jamming. so which one?


Monday, April 04, 2005
..:: w00t! ::..
I got us a temporary photo album. Enjoy! I'll add photos from the first jam session later. I gotta go sleep now. Need to wake up early tomorrow. *Sigh*

Friday, April 01, 2005
..:: time change ::..
correction. jammin is from 12 to 1. its all black with tie day!

Thursday, March 31, 2005
..:: Jamming Session #3 ::..
It's on Saturday 12pm till 2pm. Kindly be informed that people who end up sleeping in the studio will be kicked out! The band will also be recording their session for reference purposes (If you're lucky you might be able to hear it when they replay the cassette).

Is that enough info? Over and Out

Thursday, March 24, 2005
..:: Webblog Complete! ::..
Well, nearly enough anyway. Remember that band practice is 2 Sundays away from now!


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